Waha Festival15-20 of Aug. 2024, Romania
Volunteering is a great way to get involved in the production and build-up of Waha Experience. It is a great opportunity to get a taste of working behind the scenes, finding out how the festival functions and revealing the real essence of Waha.
We need skilled, dedicated people who want to be in service of others and consciously support the creation and flow of the festival by solving tasks and finishing jobs.
Whether you’re a strong person, a talented individual or just an active guy who likes to help others in their work, please fill in the form and share with us your experience and how you’d like to help us. Be aware though that working at a festival usually takes lots of energy, and people are counting on you.
If you think volunteering at Waha is for you, please complete our application form until the 15th of April and we’ll be in touch.
NOTE: Volunteers are required to purchase a ticket in advance in order for us to ensure that they turn up on time and carry out the tasks delegated to them. In the past a number of applicants have accepted positions but then decided not to turn up or perform their duties. This puts unfair pressure on those who have turned up and taken their responsabilities seriously. By introducing this mesure we hope to make applicants think a little more carefully before submiting their application. Upon successful completion of the volunteer program your ticket will be refunded.
Volunteers in this program will be involved in the final stage of pre-production and construction of the festival. Providing support in getting the festival site up and running and ensuring it is ready to welcome guests. Tasks include:
– helping out with the preparations such as painting, construction
– moving materials and equipment where needed
– helping with the completion of installations
– cleaning up the festival site.
Volunteers in this program will be involved in taking down the festival and packing everythingh up. Tasks include:
– helping with packing down the artist’s campsites, production offices, stages.
– packing away materials and other festival equipment
– cleaning up the festival site.
DURING FESTIVAL we are looking for volunteers in the foloving teams:
1. Eco / Waste Management
2. Parking
3. Camping
4. Info Point
5. Artist Care (preferably with Driver’s License)